
About Moon City Music & Memory

Carol King speaking out for the National Movement of Music & Memory


our local Moon city music & memory

Once we heard about the amazing things Music & memory can do for people we started a local group to help expand the Music & Memory efforts in our area.  Since the Beginning we have helped fill the memory unit at one of our local care facilities with iPods, and we won't stop till all of them are full and there is no one at hope who does not have an iPod for themselves! to join our Facebook group click HERE.

Pictures of the events we have done.


"Alive Inside" Trailer

Check our EVENTS page for our next free viewing of "alive Inside"

to donate funds for new equipment go HERE

to donate new or used ipods send them to:

moon city music & Memory

C/O Anthony Brookhart

10 E Silver St. 

Wapakoneta, Oh  45895

to get a loved one set up with a ipod email us: